We're the #1 Carpet Cleaning Company in the GTA setREVStartSize({c: 'rev_slider_3_1',rl:[1240,1024,778,480],el:[700],gw:[1280],gh:[700],type:'standard',justify:'',layout:'fullwidth',mh:"0"});if (window.RS_MODULES!==undefined && window.RS_MODULES.modules!==undefined && window.RS_MODULES.modules["revslider31"]!==undefined) {window.RS_MODULES.modules["revslider31"].once = false;window.revapi3 = undefined;if (window.RS_MODULES.checkMinimal!==undefined) window.RS_MODULES.checkMinimal()} How To Clean Your Carpet From Pet Urine Stain And Odor? Having a pet brings many joys, but life with a man’s best friend can get a little messy at times. This is why pet owners must know how to get dog and cat pee out of carpet surfaces. Urine stains and odours are the common problems associated with owning pets especially when house-training puppies and kittens. For this reason, we’ve written a few things that can h...